Thursday, August 16, 2007


Here are interesting articles in Tuesday's New York Times on sweating and the composition of sweat.

In keeping up with the spirit of posting wacky throwback music videos on this blog, I tried just now, but my work computer is doing funky things to the embed code. I'll have to update later. CHI!

Update: Here's what y'all been waiting for!


  1. interesting articles! it helps explain the shaolin sprinkler(s) somewhat. see you tonite

  2. would have loved to hear some c&c music factory - sweat! sweeeeaaat!
    let's do an 80s night soon.

  3. Cool links! I wonder if our training at the temple as made use "Dessert worthy"

  4. Dessert worthy? or desert worthy?

    Well, on Saturday after training, we did stop for ice cream, cupcakes and pudding, donuts and coffee... :)

  5. I eat dessert whether I'm worthy or not :) For the other, Richu can go do a test training in the Gobi then let us know how that works out....

  6. sounds like a possible shaolin outing - dessert in desert but we probably have to eat it quickly. more chi.

  7. HA! Yes I did mean desSert worthy ;P I only train for one reason ... to eat my meat cake

  8. guys went all out on Saturday eh? Where did you guys go again? Do they have Green Tea Shaved Ice there? hmmm... I need dessert...

  9. i dunno...after seeing meat cake, i don't think i wanna eat anything, dessert or not!

  10. Haha! Funny link Richu! Reminds me of the "Friends" episode where Joey says, "Cake? GOOD! Meat? GOOD!"

  11. On my birthday there will be no meat cake. Butternut cake maybe... or strawberry pie... or fudge brownies... or ginger cookies...

  12. Dude, meat cake looks awesome!

    Also awesome are the credits for that video. "Visualized by," indeed.

    Not awesome is my "no training at all" 11PM to 6AM work schedule this week. Boo.

  13. thanks for adding video! yeah i concur with jeremiah, it's been little training here but that will change soon. meatcake is kinda yucky but who am i to judge! we should be able to eat what we want considering the training. i could use some green tea ice cream now, yum!
